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Über BeeChiton

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  1. BeeChiton

    Feuer im Rechenzentrum

    Hallo Mitspieler und Team, im Rechenzemtrum mit dem Minecraft- und Teamspeak-Server ist ein Feuer ausgebrochen. Daher ist beides aktuell nicht erreichbar. Hier die Nachricht vom Rechenzentrumsdienstleister We are currently facing a major incident in our DataCenter of Strasbourg with a fire declared in the building xxxx. Firefighters were immediately on the scene but could not control the fire in xxxx. The whole site has been isolated, which impacts all our services on xxxx,xxxx,xxxx and xxxx. All our teams are fully mobilized along with the firefighters. We will keep you updated as more information becomes available. Liebe Grüße Euer BeeChiton